Originally, ITSB was the designer for 3 Petronas Gas Berhad (PGB) City Gate Metering Stations in 1993 for real time turbine metering approx. 0.75% to AGA 7 and AGA 8. Subsequent Independent Technology built a total of 23 stations for PGB.
Projects Completed Include
In addition to the gas meter stations Independent Technology has designed, fabricated, installed and commissioned a series of Liquid Fuel Metering System for custody transfer at IPP Stations to a design accuracy approx. 0.5 %.
Following from the original City Gate Stations, ITSB have successfully completed many gas systems designed and installed utilizing ISO 9951, 5167, 5168, AGA 3, AGA 7 and AGA 8. Design and installation of propane liquid metering systems to API. Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards has also been successfully carried out.
Nilai City Gate Station
Lekas MLL2 Station